How to Minimize Guitar Setup Cost

Written by lefthandedguitar
Time and tide wears off almost every tangible thing, and the guitar is no exception. There will be a time when playing it will no longer seem to be a relaxing or creative affair. The parts of the guitar slowly start behaving in an abnormal fashion due to excessive usage, seemingly wrong playing styles, environment conditions etc; thus causing considerable pain and trauma to the guitarist. When you feel that playing your coveted instrument is slowly becoming laborious and tedious at the same time, it’s probably time to set it up once again. The guitar setup cost is also a point of major concern.

When we look at performing a set up job on the guitar, anybody will look at minimizing costs. Especially if you’ve just spent some serious bucks buying it, and this happens to be your first setup exercise. In order to spend wisely, you will primarily require two things. First, knowledge of the correct market rates so that nobody can dare to fleece you and secondly, ample knowledge to manage a few tasks by yourself, in order to save some good money. Well the first one is pretty simple. Almost all music stores undertake professional setup jobs, you just need to call a couple of them and compare the rates. Normally the range is from about $30 to $75 USD. Anything above that is expensive.

The second aspect is more important. If you learn to do quite a bit yourself, you seriously save some good amount on your guitar setup cost. You should know which ones to try your hands on, and which ones to be best left for professionals. You can attempt to adjust action at the bridge of the guitar. It generally requires a few minor adjustments with the screws and saddles, to lower the strings if the action is too high and raise the saddles for a higher string action. Along with this, you might also try your hand at adjusting the guitar intonation. Other things like, filling the frets and nuts and adjusting the truss rod at the neck of the guitar, are best left to professionally equipped hands.