the first guitar in the world

in my blog has pretty much I wrote an article about the guitar, but there is one that I never posted because so much knowledge about the guitar that I have not learned, and it turns out I forgot that I had not written an article about the first guitar in the world, in my blog. and finally I had growing turn on my computer to find info about the first guitar in the world, as a result ... so many sources to write articles about the first guitar in the world. and one of them is as follows

Electric guitar history began in 1930, when a man named George Beauchamp began looking for ways to increase the volume of the guitar. Known if a given wire in a magnetic field then the force can create an electrical current. On the basis of this thinking he researched and conducted an experiment with a phonograph needle (basically this technology can be found in electric motors, generators, phonograph needles, radio and mic). He believes that if the strings vibrated near the magnetic field will be converted into electrical currents and then converted back into sound waves through speakers.
The Frying Pan (the first guitar in the world)

After months of trial and working with Paul Barth is created the first simple pickup consists of 6 poles and each pole for each string. Pickup coils are rolled neatly contained. According to the story, he took the coil out of the washing machine and twisted back with a sewing machine motor. His discovery is greatly appreciated and obtain patents.

With this discovery the next step He is looking for people who want to work together and help in the matter of funding. He contacted his friend Adolph Rickenbacher had at the National String Instrument Company where he worked. They worked together and formed a company with a name Instrumens Rickenbachers. Eventually they began producing the first electric guitar called "The Frying Pan" (maybe because of his guitar body is made from the pan). This is what makes the company they are written into history as the first factory to make and manufacture electric guitars.

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