100 amateur guitarist Vietnam record

from vietnam there are interesting too, as many as 100 amateur guitarists gathered at the edge of the Red River to break the record, here are excerpts.

Over 100 amateur guitarists from the Guitar Club of the Hanoi University of Technology grouped up in an offline meeting on the bank of the Red River on September 11.

These guitarists came from many universities in Hanoi. They played together two Vietnamese musical works “Tuoi hong thon gay” and “Noi vong tay lon” in the rain to make a national record for the offline meeting with the highest number of guitarists.

“This is a successful meeting and a landmark for Vietnam’s guitar. I wish to organize offline meetings with up to over 1,000 guitarists,” said Tran Van Anh, the chief organizer.

The Guitar Club of the Hanoi University of Technology was established in 2004. The club currently has over 100 members.

Source : http://english.vietnamnet.vn/en/arts-entertainment/13235/100-play-guitars-make-vietnam-s-record.html