girl guitar

you girls, you're a guitar player, you want to have a guitar that suits you as a girls guitarist? do not worry, there are many models of guitars for girls, I am sure you certainly appear more confident with the following guitar from Daisy Rock

Daisy Rock Debutante Rock Candy Princess

  • Construction: Bolt-on
  • Neck: maple
  • Fingerboard: Rosewood
  • Fret: 22 Medium
  • Scale: 24-3/4
  • Inlay: Dots
  • Pickup: Bridge Humbucker
  • Tuners: Chrome
  • Finish: Ruby Red
  • Amp
  • 10W
  • Volume, Treble, & Bass control
  • Overdrive switch
  • Headphone jack
and certainly there are many other guitars with different models and will fit your taste, as below :
  1. Daisy Rock Pixie Acoustic (Pink Sparkle) 
  2. Daisy Rock Wildwood Acoustic Short Scale (Pink Burst) 
  3. Daisy Rock Short Scale (Pepper Mint) SPECIAL ORDER ITEM 
  4. Daisy Rock Butterfly Short Scale (Fantasy) SPECIAL ORDER ITEM
  5. Daisy Rock Heartbreaker Artist (Red Hot Red) 
  6. Daisy Rock Star Short Scale (Atomic Pink)

guitar above all you can see HERE