Guitar Strings Terminology

 This is a bit of guitar strings and character sound:
  • Phosphor Bronze: Composition 92% copper and 8% Tin. Little Tin was added in order to increase the sustain and hold tone longer than the strings are made ​​of bronze or brass.
  • Nickel Wound: Circumference strings is actually comprised of a mixture of iron and nickel coating mixture of 8%. This mixture provides the optimal magnetic contribution required by magnetic pickups. The nickle layer also makes the strings so it has antioxidants and resistance to rust, and make it [to the size of metal] soft and slippery that can minimize fret wear.
  • Stainless Steel: A mixture of chromium and nickel that have a high resistance against corrosion and provide a large magnetic contribution. The characters sound very bright (treble, with a lot of presence). However, stainless steel alloy that is hard, so it can make fast fret wear.
  • Round Wound: The mean core wrapped by winding the strings have that have a rounded surface. The core strings are almost always made ​​from a mixture of iron and high carbon. Currently almost all brands use round wound types.
  • Flat Wound: Commonly used on fret less bass [and fret less guitar as well]. This one is at the heart strings though wrapped coils that have a flat surface [flat]. This slippery surface which still can be improved again by polishing.
  • Ball-end: Almost all the guitar strings have a ball-end which means they are equipped with a small ring at the end of the string to facilitate easy installation.
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