Performing Live Guitar and Singing

Tips for Performing Live Guitar & Singingthumbnail
Playing guitar while singing? of course it is a job that is not easy for people who are not accustomed to doing it. for those who are used to sing while playing guitar like a guitarist Matthew Bellamy of Muse, all that could be done as easily back your hand. If You Want to be calm, collected and cool on stage, Follow A Few Simple tips for performing live.

Play Without Looking
Being able to play your songs without looking at your hands is an important aspect of live performance. If you've ever been to a live performance like the one you're about to give, you know that audiences are more engaged with a performer who makes eye contact while performing than one who can't play without looking at his hands constantly. To better engage the attention of your audience, learn to play without looking at your hands well ahead of time. Learn chord shapes by feel rather than sight. Practice fingering a chord, then lifting your fingers an inch from the fretboard while still keeping your fingers in the chord shape, and finally then placing them back in on the fretboard -- all without looking.

Memorize Your Songs
Memorize your repertoire well ahead of time as well. Many performers take a set list on stage with them, but few professional performers take music and lyrics on stage. Memorize all the music on your guitar, memorize the lyrics of the song, and practice each full song with music and lyrics without looking at the written page. If you can rapidly speak the lyrics of a song with no pauses, and without melody or rhythm, you have it well memorized. By the time of your performance, you should be able to play each song you intend to perform without needing music or lyrics.

Prepare Beforehand
Get everything you'll need for your performance ready to go well before your performance. Have your clothes and equipment picked out, prepped, and ready. If you are performing somewhere unfamiliar to you, drive there the day before to familiarize yourself with your route, and have a sheet of directions in your car just in case. Stock your gig bag with extra strings, picks, and guitar batteries if you play an electric guitar. Remember to bring a bottle of water to the stage as well to nourish your throat and voice throughout your performance. Start singing several hours before your performance to loosen your vocal chords, but don't strain your voice.

Calm Your Nerves
Most people experience some form of performance anxiety when performing live, particularly the first few times they perform. If you find yourself feeling anxious and nervous, take deep breaths and focus on your breathing. If your throat tends to tighten up when you're anxious, consciously relax your throat muscles to ensure your best singing voice. If your palms get sweaty, wipe them clean before you go on stage to avoid slippery fingers. You may find it helpful to visualize your performance going well. Expel any thoughts about messing up or unreceptive audiences. Remember that the audience just wants to have a good time, and so do you. Go into your gig with a smile on your face and your best efforts, and you'll come out successful.

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