fantasized playing guitar with Gustavo guerra

maybe you know what is canon rock? yes ... I was so interested in playing canon rock released by Jerryc, and I had time to learn but I like canon rock played by my idol guitarist Gustavo Guerra the champions guitars idol, why? .. hhmm .. it is my taste! ?!?!.
But frankly I am also not so good playing the guitar, let alone playing the style of my idol (Gustavo Guerra) but I am confident I could upload a vidio when I play my guitar and with fraudulent vidio edit it into a duet between me and the idol Gustavo,, , but I am embarrassed, what would happen if my vidio was watched by Gustavo, Gustavo will certainly laugh out loud? vidio me so confident that I uploaded on youtube ... there I wasand Gustavo play canon rock .. hahaha .. but even though I could not meet with the idol .. I still can fantasize play guitar together with him ...
confidently, this is my vidio duet with my hero Gustavo Guerra