the types of wood for electric guitars

these are the kinds of wood commonly used as materials for electric guitars

Wood types has a fairly heavy weight, but ideally be used in the manufacture of wood body guitar because of this types sustained guitar sound better, a steady attack and sharper guitar sound.

Wood of this type can produce a warm guitar sound, has a lighter weight than wood mahogany wood, but the lack of this types is the wood density arguably less so need to be extra careful in the manufacture and also use the guitar from the wood of this types.

Ash wood is similar in weight with wood basswood. The resulting sound is bright but more prominent at low frequencies, this types of wood used for making body on electric bass but not the least are also used to manufacture body electric guitar

In terms of sound, this types of wood has characteristics similar to wood basswood. The specialty of this types of wood is the lighter shades of wood so that it has its own essential side.

Wood of this type have countour soft and beautiful. Sound produced quite bright with a varied attack. timber of this type are widely used because it has a beautiful complexion, so sometimes the guitar of this types of wood without paint just finished to natural

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