Service the Voice Guitar Tips

guitar sound problem happens not only on the guitar down to the middle class, but it can happen in guitar class, therefore there are a few tips for your guitar sound quality is maintained, as will be described from the source http://hiburan.kompasiana. com/musik/2010/12/25/tips-menyervis-suara-gitar / below
First, make sure that the neck / handlebar your guitar is still normal (straight) or not too bent due to the handlebar that is too bent guitar sound will be difficult to repair. But however the situation would not hurt your guitar when you try these tips from me:

  1. Condition for the hole on the nut is not too far away with the fingerboard. The distance is too far can cause lengthening string of too much when we press the strings, which are especially when we play the melody or chords and simple as A, Am, E, Em, C, D, etc.. It happened because when we press the strings on the position-location near nut, the strings will experience excessive elongation that makes the strings produce tones that are not supposed to or to be false. To overcome this we can deepen the hole on the nut using a hacksaw eg, mini-sized for the position of the strings to be closer to the fingerboard.
  2. Make sure that the saddle is not very high position because it can lead to something similar to the above problems. But the difference this time clearly audible sound false when we play the melody or chord in the middle of the fret positions (roughly ranging from fret 12 and so on). Our fingers will also be uncomfortable and difficult when pressing the strings on the position. This can be overcome by cutting (1 / 4 section or adjust to circumstances guitar) saddle so that the distance between the strings with the fingerboard is not too far away.
  3. For those of you who want to slightly alter the guitar sound more treble tone or just want to change the appearance a little guitar, try to install an additional fret just inside the nut. First, the existing holes in wood fingerboard near the nut using a miniature hacksaw to resemble another fret hole then attach the additional fret so that when the normal position, the strings are no longer leaning against the nut, but at the first fret.
  4. Lastly, try to use string guitar with the best quality (although the standard guitar, but it's pretty good if strings and quality, hehe,,,) because this is a big influence on the quality of sound produced by the guitar.

Note: for the number 1 & 2, within close distance of the strings against the fret try to distance is also not too close because it can cause the string sound is not perfect because when plucked strings, vibration of the strings would touch the fret in front of him. Ideal distance strings with fret about 4 to 5.5 mm measured on the fret number 12.

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