How to Dress Frets

source :
A Most Comprehensive Guide to Dressing Frets on a Classical Guitar...
Dressing frets can be as easy as changing strings.
        We know when to change strings but what lies under the string is often overlooked or ignored. New strings can restore tone, clarity, sustain & pitch. But what about the frets? A worn fret will shift the string contact point off-center toward the bridge causing a note to play sharp. Unevenly worn frets cause varying clearances from noteto note affecting balance, tone, clarity & sustain.
        Classical guitar strings are made out of soft materials chosen for their ability to create tones & dynamics sought after by today's classical guitarists. Their soft nature requires a softer fret than frets commonly used on electric or steel string guitars. If the latter were used classical guitar strings would wear out much faster than we are accustomed to. Taking into account string settling (stretching of new strings), one would spend more time restringing & tuning his guitar than playing. Softer frets translates to longer string life.
        On the down side, the compulsive practicing and performing of classical guitar players takes a mighty toll on guitar frets. They wear away, become coarser and along with everything bad listed above they....they...they start to shorten your string life. What?
Take care of your frets to lengthen your string life!
Tools needed to Dress Frets...

A Four Part Procedure...
Determine when to dress... Protecting the guitar for dressing... Leveling the frets... Crowning & polishing the frets...
         Part 1       Part 2 Part 3 Part 4